Acupuncture for chronic pain is a powerful and natural treatment. The needles stimulate points on your body that release endorphins and other natural pain relievers. They also, according to research, increase the electromagnetic signals between the different cells in your body. This can encourage healing and eliminate pain.
It’s also been proven effective in treating migraine headaches. You can use acupuncture at our Rehabilitation Center to relieve pain and even prevent future migraine attacks. By targeting areas that regulate blood flow to your head, your emotional state, and hormonal balance, your acupuncturist can eliminate migraines entirely.
Back pain is very common and is a result of sprains or strains. The advantage of using acupuncture to treat back pain is that acupuncture not only relieves the pain temporarily but in many cases, it can also effectively treat the root cause of the pain.
What Is Acupuncture?
Acupuncture has been used in China for centuries to regulate the female reproductive system. Evidence that acupuncture and herbal medicine have been used to aid fertility can be found in early medical literature dating back to 3AD. When Qi and blood are circulating properly, the body is properly nourished and functioning optimally which, in turn, enhances fertility.
Acupuncture for Physiatry at our Georgia Center
Acupuncture for physiatry has been used for centuries. Because it treats your body as a whole, acupuncture not only reduces pain immediately but it can help you avoid future pain in the same areas. It’s so effective that conventional medical doctors often suggest acupuncture treatment for pain. No matter what types of pain you are experiencing, acupuncture has the solution.
Acupuncture for chronic pain is a powerful and natural treatment. The needles stimulate points on your body that release endorphins and other natural pain relievers. They also, according to research, increase the electromagnetic signals between the different cells in your body. This can encourage healing and eliminate pain.
Acupuncture increases blood circulation to different parts of your body and relaxes your muscles. It also helps promote emotional well-being and can increase the effectiveness of your immune system.
Contact our acupuncturists today for more information about this age-old pain treatment.